11/11/11 on Fox 11 Carrier Classic Veterans Day with the President


CNN Larry King Live "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

CNN John Roberts "Unbeaten"

CBS National News with Katie Couric "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

ABC World News Tonight "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

CNN Sundance "Unbeaten"

FOX "Until They Are Home" with Steven C. Barber

Sunday, November 9, 2008


What did he say about Steven's book? Watch now:

So, I just got off a Carnival Cruise trying to sell my book, BELOW THE WATERLINE, a wonderful tail about a man who gets thown off of 12 Cruise Ships Looking for Love. When I flew homw, Gavin Mcloud, the Capt. from the LOVE BOAT and of course from the Mary Tyler Moore Show read my book in 1st class and thought it was terific. Great guy!! What are the ODDS??????

I will NEVER quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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