11/11/11 on Fox 11 Carrier Classic Veterans Day with the President


CNN Larry King Live "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

CNN John Roberts "Unbeaten"

CBS National News with Katie Couric "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

ABC World News Tonight "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

CNN Sundance "Unbeaten"

FOX "Until They Are Home" with Steven C. Barber

Monday, May 31, 2010

CNN Memorial Day 2010

Award Winning Filmmaker / Executive Producer Steven C. Barber is actively seeking funding for his upcoming film in the South Pacific this summer, a CSI style recovery of WWII Marines... the sequal to his Ed Harris film now on the Discovery Network's Military Channel. Looking for funding. (310) 806-5833

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