11/11/11 on Fox 11 Carrier Classic Veterans Day with the President


CNN Larry King Live "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

CNN John Roberts "Unbeaten"

CBS National News with Katie Couric "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

ABC World News Tonight "Return To Tarawa: The Leon Cooper Story"

CNN Sundance "Unbeaten"

FOX "Until They Are Home" with Steven C. Barber

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Stevie Hollywood here; things are really cooking; met with James Woods 2 days ago. Gave him my DVD of the WWW.AMERICANPARAPLEGIC.COM DVD. He told me he is in post production on a movie and the main character is in a frikking WHEEL CHAIR!! WOW!! Is James Woods going to greenlight my movie?? Is 25 years, and 61 countries later going to see success for Steven C Barber, the hardest working guy in LA??? You never know!

Meanwhile, just got an email from the young Rev. Schuller.. I met him in Beijing at the opening of the Paralympics.. the man was sitting in front of me in a stadium of 90,000 in a city of 14,000,000.. Is that a GOD SHOT my friends.. also just pitched Magic Johnson and Pierce Brosnan and Coach Riley!! LA is target rich with celebs.. in fact, its hard to swing a fendi bag without hitting a celeb...

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